Tips for Driving around the Scottish Highlands
You can expect to negotiate blind bends, hidden dips and going up and down steep hills all the while being entranced by the views. It is an experience which will require all your skill and give you memories to treasure.

Most drivers who know these roads are usually careful and considerate and will pull in as necessary.
Occasionaly some drivers do not understand or know that motorcycles do not posess a reverse gear and can be slow to reverse move over enough or maybe just stop and will not move. In every case make sure you can pass safely and if you have negotiate your way past make sure there is no risk for yourself.
Passing Places
The picture shows the common marker for a passing place.
Single track roads are common in the most of rural Scotland and especially in the Scottish Highlands and Islands.
As many of the minor roads on Skye are single track roads this will mean that you or oncoming traffic will need to use a passing place. These are usually well marked and can be seen in advance so it usually best to use the nearest one available.
On occasion, one or other of four wheeled vehicles will need to reverse to a passing place, the vehicle which is nearest a passing place should be the one to do this.

Free Range Sheep & Feral Goats
Sheep can be found roaming free over wild and mountainous areas including many unfenced roads. On the way to Skye you will also see feral goats roaming on open roads.
Please be careful when passing, as they can often decide to cross the roadway in front of you!
- When encountering an approaching vehicle, motorists should either go into a passing place on the left side or wait opposite one on the right.
- If the driver behind wishes to overtake, they should use a passing place on the left or wait across from one on the right.
- It is good manners to give way to vehicles ascending uphill whenever feasible.
- It is advisable not to drive onto verges as this can result in you and your machine toppling as the verges are often soft and damaged by previous vehicles.